Innovation Spotlight - Edible Flowers

Move last season’s poinsettias out of the way for the new trending wave of edible flowers! While poinsettias are not as deadly as rumor has it, the indigestion they provide when eaten are a far cry from the healthy benefits of other flower species such as elderflower, hibiscus, and lavender, each with their own strikingly unique flavors and benefits.
Montana Honeylion of Warrior Peak Botanicals was one of the reluctant at first, but slowly bought into the bloom of benefits. “I resisted it as a child, but began to enjoy it as a teenager, sitting around the table with my friends, all drinking cups of mom’s ‘medicine tea’, because it worked. We rarely went to the doctor,” she says. With her interest in holistic health kindled early, Honeylion later pursued a degree in herbal sciences and started her own business to produce herbal medicines. She also teaches classes, with one of the most popular being on medicinal flowers and their uses.
“The key driver for these flavors is the booming presence of health and wellness. Our consumers want to be transported through flavors and feel good about what they are eating and drinking,” research scientist Jaime Lynn Lawrence of The Flavor Company explains. “With a heightened awareness of what they are consuming, they crave exotic and earthy flavors containing functional properties that promote gut health, mental acuity, and overall holistic health.”
Before the season of roses appears on the horizon, stock up on edible flowers and make your own medicine teas, tonics, and syrups to dress up all your favorite recipes!
Get acquainted with the benefits of edible flowers with Montana Honeylion:
See Healthline’s extensive coverage on trending edible flowers:
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